Departing Mauritians

Departing Mauritians

Departing Mauritians are now entitled to purchase tax free goods in registered stores displaying the logo:



Purchases can be made without the payment of any VAT at the stores displaying the above logos and goods will only be handed over after immigration at the MCCI Tax Refund Counter at the airport by producing the sales receipt issued by the registered stores. Refer to link to access the registered shops  

Departing Mauritians are entitled to purchase tax free goods in registered stores displaying the sticker Tax refund  Airport delivery .



At the time of purchase, the passport and ticket are shown to confirm the eligibility for tax free purchase.  The departing Mauritians should ensure that their name, passport number and flight details are correctly input on the VAT Free receipt.


At the airport, after passport and security control, the purchased goods can be collected at the MCCI Tax Refund Counter on presentation of the VAT Free receipt.


  • Am I eligible for VAT Free?

    In order to be eligible for VAT free, you must have a valid Mauritian passport, and valid ticket for travel by air or sea to a foreign airport or port.

  • How do I ensure that my purchased goods are properly delivered?

    All purchased goods should be placed in a sealed bag or envelope in your presence, with your signature. The original copy of the VAT Free receipt should be affixed on the sealed bag or envelope.

  • How to benefit from VAT Free?

    VAT Free only applies to goods to be taken out of Mauritius on your departure.

    • On the purchasing day, present your passport and ask the salesperson at the store to complete the VAT Free receipt.

    • Verify that the name and surname are exactly as on your passport and that the passport number, flight number and departure date have been properly input.

    • Ensure that the salesperson hands over to you two copies of the VAT Free receipt.

    • After passport and security control, present the two copies of VAT Free receipt at the MCCI Tax Refund Counter in the Departure hall to obtain your purchased goods.

  • How does a VAT Free receipt look like?

    Please click on the link to view a VAT Free receipt specimen.

  • How do I know which stores offers VAT free?

    Shop at stores displaying the Airport Delivery logo. Airport delivery

Departing Mauritians may purchase duty free goods from Downtown Duty Free shops registered under the Deferred Duty and Tax Scheme (DDTS) displaying the logos Tax refund  and  Dutyfree


At the time of purchase, the passport and ticket are shown to confirm the eligibility for duty free purchase. The departing Mauritians should ensure that their name, passport number and flight details are properly input on the DF4 invoice.


At the airport, after the passport and security control, the purchased goods can be collected at the MCCI Tax Refund Counter on presentation of the DF4 invoice.



  • Am I eligible for Tax Free Purchases?

    In order to be eligible for Duty Free, you must have a valid Mauritian passport, and valid ticket for travel by air or sea to a foreign airport or port.

  • How do I ensure that my purchased goods are properly delivered?

    All purchased goods should be placed in a sealed bag or envelope in your presence, with your signature. The original copy of the DF4 invoice should be affixed on the sealed bag or envelope.

  • How can I benefit from Tax Free?

    Duty Free only applies to goods taken out of Mauritius on your departure.
    • On the purchasing day, present your passport and ask the salesperson at the store to complete the DF4 invoice.
    • Verify that the name and surname are exactly as on your passport and that the passport number, flight number and departure date have been properly input.
    • Ensure that the salesperson hands over to you two copies of the DF4 invoice.
    • After passport and security control, present the two copies of the DF4 invoice at the MCCI Tax Refund Counter in the Departure hall to obtain your purchased goods.

  • How do I know which stores offers Duty Free?

    Shop at authorised Downtown Duty-Free shops displaying the Tax refund   and Dutyfree